YOU MADE IT! Book’s gone, but tabs and discount are still here

You’ve gotten here! Congratulations!

Here’s 10% discount on Total Cliff brand T-Shirt for your participation 😉

Now just click on the buttons below, enter the keys, and download your reward – ‘Total Cliff: the legacy of Cliff Burton‘ (it’s gone since 10 people got it!) and its complement ‘Tabs of Cliff’s Masterpieces‘ (still available!).

The password contains all the keys (numbers, lowercase letters, other possible symbols) in the order they appeared on Youtube, no spaces between (for example, 6945g#743).

The book (10 copies already gone, tabs still available below)

The complement  DOWNLOAD

The book is available up to 23:59 (Pacific), October 31, or as 10 people complete the questBut you still can download ‘Tabs’, once you got all the keys! 😉

If you want to support me, become my Patron here (the book is constantly available there with all newest updates). Or do that any other way, here’s a few more options.

Do you want new quests? Any ideas how to make them even cooler?

Thanks for participating!

Have a nice day and #BeInMetal 😉 \m/

Andriy Vasylenko